
Terms of Use:

These terms and conditions govern your use of these travel services provided by ConnectedTrip.com and this web site (the 'Site'). This Site, along with our mobile sites, is intended for personal, noncommercial use. This Agreement describes the terms and conditions applicable to the services available through this Site. This Agreement describes your responsibilities and, among other things, limits the liability of ConnectedTrip.com.

ConnectedTrip ("us", "we" or "our" as the context requires) is a global business providing instant online travel search services (including but not limited to flights, hotels and other travel related services to users throughout the world via our websites, apps and other platforms.

ConnectedTrip is not a travel agent and is not responsible for providing, or for setting or controlling the prices applicable to, any of the travel options or products (such as flights or hotels) which you may search for, find on and/or book via ConnectedTrip.com. All such Third-Party Travel Products are provided by independent travel agents, airlines, hotels, tour operators or other third parties and are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by those third parties.

These Terms

These terms and conditions ("Terms") govern your access to and use of the ConnectedTrip.com constitutes a legal agreement between you and ConnectedTrip. By downloading, accessing or otherwise using the ConnectedTrip you are confirming that you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms.

We may amend these Terms at any time at our discretion. If these Terms are amended, we shall display the revised terms and conditions on or via ConnectedTrip.com Platforms and you will be considered to have accepted any amendments if you continue using ConnectedTrip.com after the amendments are displayed.

If you do not accept all of these Terms then you should not use ConnectedTrip Platforms.

Using ConnectedTrip.com

You may only use ConnectedTrip Platforms in compliance with applicable laws and for legitimate purposes. In consideration of you agreeing to abide by these Terms, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to download, access and use ConnectedTrip Platforms for your own personal, non-commercial purposes and for no other purpose. In particular, we grant such license to you subject to you agreeing that you shall not:

  • use ConnectedTrip Platforms for any purpose that is improper, unlawful, or to post, share or transmit any material that (i) is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable; (ii) is in breach of confidence or privacy or of any third party's rights including copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights; (iii) is posted, shared or transmitted for the purpose of advertising or promoting yourself or any third party; or (iv) is misleading or misrepresentative as to your identity or which in any way suggests that you are sponsored, affiliated or connected with ConnectedTrip;
  • use ConnectedTrip Platforms for any commercial purpose or in any manner which may cause damage to ConnectedTrip or bring ConnectedTrip into disrepute;
  • disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise decompile any software, applications, updates or hardware contained in or available via ConnectedTrip Platforms, except as permitted by law;
  • copy, distribute, communicate to the public, sell, rent, lend or otherwise use ConnectedTrip Platforms, or seek to violate or circumvent any security measures employed to prevent or limit your access to or use of ConnectedTrip Platforms;
  • use or interfere with ConnectedTrip in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users;
  • introduce onto, or transmit via, ConnectedTrip any disruptive computer program code, virus, 'denial of service' or 'spam' attack, worm, Trojan horse, authorization key, license control utility or software lock;
  • remove, alter or replace any notices of authorship, trademarks, business names, logos or other designations of origin on ConnectedTrip Platforms or pass off or attempt to pass off ConnectedTrip Platforms as the product of anyone other than ConnectedTrip.com
  • use any automated computer program or application to scan, copy, index, sort or otherwise exploit ConnectedTrip or any part thereof.
  • Under no circumstances may you “frame” the websites or any of their content or copy portions of the websites to a server, except as part of an Internet service provider’s incidental caching of pages.

When you sign up for any feature of, or use, the ConnectedTrip Platforms that requires the use of a login account or password, you agree that you shall be responsible for keeping those passwords and login details confidential and secure

ConnectedTrip are not intended for children under 13 years of age, and no one under the age of 13 may provide any information to, on or via ConnectedTrip Platforms. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13, and if we learn that we have collected or received personal information from a child under 13, we will delete that information in accordance with our privacy policy.

To the extent that any element of ConnectedTrip Platforms is hosted on a third-party website (for example, Facebook or another social media website) and there are separate terms and conditions of use relating to that third-party website, you agree to fully comply with such terms and conditions.

Sharing information with us

We take your privacy seriously and operate at all times in accordance with applicable data protection laws. You acknowledge that any personally identifiable information which you submit to or via ConnectedTrip Platforms may be used by us in accordance with our privacy policy. You agree to ensure that all personally identifiable information you provide to us is accurate and up to date and that you have obtained all consents, licenses or approvals necessary to enable us to use that information in accordance with these Terms and with our privacy policy.

To the extent that ConnectedTrip Platforms allow you to post, upload, transmit or otherwise make available any information, images, video, or other data with ConnectedTrip users (User Content), you agree that:

  • you are solely responsible for the User Content that you upload and you represent and agree that you will not share anything that you do not have the permission or right to share and for which you cannot grant the license referred to in paragraph (b) below in respect of;
  • although all intellectual property rights subsisting in any User Content will be owned by you or your licensors, you hereby grant ConnectedTrip and its group companies a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, transferrable and sub-licensable right to use, reproduce both electronically and otherwise, display, distribute, modify, adapt, publish, translate, and create derivative works from any and all such User Content (excluding personally identifiable information) including for the purposes of advertising and marketing ConnectedTrip Platforms;
  • we are under no obligation to store, retain, publish or make available any User Content uploaded by you and that you shall be responsible for creating backups of any such User Content if necessary.

To the extent that you provide us with any suggestions, comments, improvements, ideas or other feedback (Feedback), you hereby assign ownership of all intellectual property rights subsisting in that feedback to us and acknowledge that we can use and share such Feedback for any purpose at our discretion.

Copyright Complaint Policy

If you believe in good faith that materials hosted by us on the Site infringe your copyright, you (or your agent) may send us a written notice that includes the following information:

1. A clear identification of the copyrighted work you claim was infringed.
2. A clear identification of the material you claim is infringing the copyrighted work, and information that will allow us to locate that material on the Site, such as a link to the infringing material.
3. Your contact information so that we can reply to your complaint, preferably including an email address and telephone number.
4. A statement that you have a "good faith belief that the material that is claimed as copyright infringement is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law."
5. A statement that "the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."
6. The notice must be signed by the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

We suggest that you consult your legal advisor before filing a notice or counter-notice. Also, be aware that you may be subject to civil liability if you make a false claim of copyright infringement. contact - info@ConnectedTrip.com

ConnectedTrip property

Except as set out elsewhere in these Terms, all intellectual property rights including, but not limited to, copyright (including copyright in computer software), patents, trademarks or business names, design rights, database rights, know-how, trade secrets and rights of confidence in the ConnectedTrip (together, the "Intellectual Property Rights") are owned by or licensed to ConnectedTrip.com . You acknowledge that by using ConnectedTrip ConnectedTrip Platforms, you will not acquire any right, title or interest in or to ConnectedTrip Platforms or in or to the Intellectual Property Rights, except for the limited license to use ConnectedTrip Platforms granted to you pursuant to these Terms. You further acknowledge that you have no right to have access to any aspect of ConnectedTrip Platforms in source-code form.

Other people's property

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you have reason to believe that your copyright is being infringed by any content on ConnectedTrip Platforms, please send a written notification of such infringement to the address stated at the beginning of Terms. contact - info@ConnectedTrip.com

Price accuracy and warranty disclaimer

Your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms is entirely at your own risk.

Although we enforce strict "price accuracy" policies with all partners who provide us with travel data and endeavor to ensure that the content displayed on or via ConnectedTrip Platforms is up to date and accurate, we cannot guarantee the reliability or accuracy of such content. We ConnectedTrip Platforms on an "as-is" basis and expressly disclaim all warranties, conditions and guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and accuracy, as well as any warranties implied by usage of trade, course of dealing or course of performance. To the extent permitted by law, we make no representations and do not warrant to you that ConnectedTrip Platforms (a) are accurate, complete or up to date; (b) will always be available; (c) will meet your expectations; or (d) are secure or are free from errors, faults, defects, viruses or malware.

Making travel reservations via ConnectedTrip

ConnectedTrip is not a travel agent and is not responsible for providing any travel options displayed via ConnectedTrip Platforms or for setting or controlling the prices we display. Any Third-Party Travel Products that you find and/or book via the ConnectedTrip Platforms are provided by independent travel agents, airlines, hotels, travel operators or other third parties (Travel Providers). ConnectedTrip facilitates your reservations with Travel Providers but is not responsible and has no liability to you as regards such reservations. The identity of the relevant Travel Provider and the terms and conditions applicable to your reservation with them (Travel Provider Terms) will be notified to you at the time of reservation and you should ensure that you read and fully understand them before completing your reservation. The Travel Provider Terms will set out what rights you have against the Travel Provider and will explain their liability to you in the event something goes wrong. You agree to comply in full with all applicable Travel Provider Terms. You acknowledge that breaching Travel Provider Terms could result in the cancellation of tickets or reservations, revocation of frequent flier miles and other benefits, and additional charges.

Limitations and exclusions of liability

These Terms set out the full extent of ConnectedTrip obligations and liabilities with respect to ConnectedTrip Platforms.

ConnectedTrip has no responsibility whatsoever for any arrangements you make with any third party as a result of your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms (including, without limitation, any Travel Provider). In the event that you encounter any problems with any reservation you make or attempt to make via ConnectedTrip, you acknowledge that you should resolve that issue with the relevant Travel Provider and that your sole remedy in such circumstances, including any refund, lies with the relevant Travel Provider and not with ConnectedTrip. When ConnectedTrip Platforms contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

You may see advertising material submitted by third parties on ConnectedTrip Platforms. Each individual advertiser is solely responsible for the content of its advertising material and ConnectedTrip accepts no responsibility for the content of advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we (together with our officers, directors, employees, representatives, affiliates, providers and third parties) do not accept any liability for (a) any inaccuracies or omissions in the content displayed on or via the ConnectedTrip Platforms; or (b) any act of god, accident, delay or any special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind (including, without limitation, lost profits or lost savings), whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, incurred by you arising out of or in connection with your access to, use of, or inability to access or use, ConnectedTrip Platforms or any content contained provided therein.

Your liability to us

Subject to these Terms, you will be responsible and liable to us for all actions, claims, proceedings, costs, damages, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees) incurred by us or our group, and each of our officers, directors, employees and agents, arising out of, or in any way connected with, your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms or breach of these Terms.


ConnectedTrip may, at its absolute discretion, immediately terminate any agreement with you under these Terms at any time upon notice to you and/or, if you have a log-in account, by cancelling your membership and your access to your account. ConnectedTrip may suspend your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms without notice at any time, without incurring any liability to you whatsoever.

General provisions

You acknowledge that your unauthorized use of ConnectedTrip Platforms may result in irreparable damage and injury to ConnectedTrip and/or its affiliates or licensors for which money damages would be inadequate. Consequently, in the event of such unauthorized use, we and our affiliates and/or licensors (as applicable) shall have the right, in addition to any other legal remedies available, to seek an immediate injunction against you prohibiting any further use of the ConnectedTrip Platforms.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision (in whole or part) of these Terms shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions (in whole or part). The whole or part of any provision which is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed deleted from these Terms.

These Terms are personal to you. You shall not be entitled to assign these Terms in whole or in part to any third party without our prior written consent.

These Terms represent the entire agreement between us and you and they supersede and replace all and any previous terms, conditions, agreements and arrangements in respect of your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms.

We will act promptly to any indications that User Content that is in breach of these Terms. Where you know of or suspect any illegal activities, or know of or suspect that works belonging to you have been infringed, please write to us at the address provided below, to the attention of our 'General Counsel'.

Any failure by us to enforce any of these Terms shall not be considered to be a waiver of them or the right to subsequently enforce any of these Terms.

A person who is not a party to these Terms shall have no right to enforce any provision of these Terms.

Irrespective of the country from which you access or use ConnectedTrip Platforms, to the extent permitted by law, these Terms and your use of ConnectedTrip Platforms shall be governed in accordance with the laws of state of California and you are considered to have submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state of California to resolve any disputes which may arise hereunder.